Divorce Guides & Information

Stanley Mosk Courthouse

Family Law Courthouse in Downtown Los Angeles


Stanley Mosk Courthouse
111 North Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012


M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Clerk’s Office: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Closed Saturday and Sunday, and on court holidays

The Stanley Mosk Courthouse is located in Downtown Los Angeles between N Grand Ave. and N Hill St., and faces W 1st St. It stands beside The Los Angeles Superior Court and is less than a mile away from Union Station.

If you are dealing with a family law matter in the Los Angeles area, those matters may get addressed at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse with the Family Law Division. This is where you will go to receive a judgment on your case and where you can file for divorce or another family law matter. At the courthouse you can also find a walk-in domestic violence clinic and a variety of other family court services, such as mediation and evaluation.

Courthouse Resources


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  • “This firm was also very good about offering payment options and their legal fees were surprisingly reasonable...”

    J.M. Pineda

  • “We are so happy with the results and are utmost thankful for his part in our case...”

    Sergio & Brenda

  • “His expertise helped me solve a custody case that benefited my children greatly.”

    Natalia P.

  • “I would definitely recommend him to anyone. He was always prepared and would answer all the questions I needed.”

    Guila C.

  • “When my case began I saw what attorney Edwin Castellanos and his team was capable of and realized that I was in good hands.”

    M. Bahena

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