One of the most unfortunate consequences of parental separation or divorce is the effect on the children involved. Children are often worried about the practical aspects of the situation, such as where they will live, who will take care of them, and if they will be able to ...
Angelina Jolie Files for Sole Custody, Not Shared Parenting
Just about everyone was or acted shocked when they heard that Angeline Jolie and Brad Pitt – Hollywood power couple “Brangelina” – were divorcing. But ...
A recent California appellate decision may change the way trial courts decide custody “move- away” cases. Move-away cases occur when a parent wishes ...
The paternity suit involving Jason Patric has shown just how quickly technology can outdate statutes and laws. Jason Patric, an actor famous for roles ...
What is the Paternity Opportunity Program in California?
In California, establishing legal paternity for a child can be a complicated process when there are children born out of wedlock. The easiest way for ...
Parental Interference With Child Visitation Rights Is Not a Defense to Paying Child Support
When a parent interferes with or prevents the other parent from having visitations with a child, the noncustodial parent (“obligor” or person who owes ...
What is the UCCJEA? How will a family law court determine California has authority (“jurisdiction”) over your Los Angeles child custody dispute? The ...