Bitcoin Divorce and the New Digital Underground: What You Need to Know
Unfortunately, Bitcoin Divorce is quickly becoming the new reality attorneys and courts will have to deal with in California. Bitcoin is a new and recent type of “e-currency” that is sold online. It is a digital, decentralized currency that is not backed by governments or ...
Child Support and Restraining Order: Trial Court Jurisdiction to Make Child Support Orders Survives the Dissolution of a Temporary Restraining Order
The following case deals with an interesting issue concerning a trial court’s jurisdiction to make child support orders in the context of a Domestic ...
Getting Temporary Orders During Divorce in Los Angeles
How a Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer can get Temporary Orders with the Request for Order During Divorce How do you get temporary orders in divorce cases? ...
Legislación de Violencia Doméstica: Obama firma la Violancia Federal Women Act de 1994 y amplía las protecciones para la Comunidad LGBT contra
¿Es usted víctima de violencia doméstica ? El presidente Obama firmó la ley el jueves la Violencia Federal Women Act de 1994, que amplía la protección ...
Son estadounidenses de actitudes cambiantes sobre el matrimonio del mismo sexo en los Estados Unidos? El matrimonio gay fue un tema importante durante ...
¿Qué es el Programa de Oportunidad de Paternidad en California?
En California, el establecimiento de la paternidad legal de un niño puede ser un proceso complicado cuando hay hijos nacidos fuera del matrimonio. La ...
What is the Paternity Opportunity Program in California?
In California, establishing legal paternity for a child can be a complicated process when there are children born out of wedlock. The easiest way for ...