How a Family Law Court Determines California Is an "Inconvenient Forum" During your Los Angeles Child Custody Proceeding
In an earlier post concerning child custody jurisdiction, we talked about California’s adoption of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (“UCCJEA”), which provides for jurisdiction in child custody proceedings. However, even though the family law court ...
Parental Interference With Child Visitation Rights Is Not a Defense to Paying Child Support
When a parent interferes with or prevents the other parent from having visitations with a child, the noncustodial parent (“obligor” or person who owes ...
What is the UCCJEA? How will a family law court determine California has authority (“jurisdiction”) over your Los Angeles child custody dispute? The ...
It appears a custody hearing involving Baby Veronica has ended at the Cherokee County family law courthouse in Oklahoma earlier today. As a family law ...